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Writer's picturexuan liu


The end of my journey 我旅途的终点

I do not know how to tell you this, my dear friend, but there was a time when I thought that I would never find a new civilization in this vast universe, that our planet was the only one in the universe that nurtured life.

Seeing your planet from afar has moved me to tears.

I don't have the life span to make it through the remaining months of this voyage. I've set the ship on a trajectory, and if I'm lucky, it's going to crash on your planet in six months, hopefully in the middle of nowhere, where no one gets hurt.

If you finally succeed in decoding our language, then I will have the final salvation, all my experiences, the failures of my world, may save another world from destruction.

As the last survivor of the world in which I live, please allow me to offer one last piece of elder advice -- be kind to your planet.

It's a long story, there were many other storytellers besides me, who stayed behind and chose to go with the planet to its doom. and from an outsider's point of view, it's a interesting story, and I think you'll enjoy reading it.






Our planet 我们的星球

Maybe I should start with our history, how we've gone through industrialization, our social system, our lifestyle, but I want to start with the moment I sit in my spaceship and look back at our planet.

The only time I get a good look at our planet, is when I leave it.

From space, from my point of view, I didn't see this as a dying planet at all. The ocean was still blue, though there were tiny black and dark red spots; There are also great forests on the surface, though interspersed with dark grey areas and great deserts; In most places in the north, the snow mountains are still white, with some specks and mottles; In the middle of the continent, a light brown dust cloud wafts.

She was polluted, but she was still beautiful, and her beauty made me suspect that my journey was a lie, that my planet was far from certain destruction.

Every day that I could observe her, I saw her, and I recognized the fact that she was indeed hurtling toward collapse. When I realized this, I stopped observing her.

或许我应该从我们的历史说起,说我们如何经历过工业化,我们的社会体制,我们的生活习惯,可是我还是想从我坐在飞船上,回头看我们星球的那一刻说起。 我唯一一次好好注视我们的星球,是在我离开它的时候。 从太空中看,从我的视角看,我一点不觉得这是一个即将毁灭的星球。海洋还是深蓝色的,虽然有一些黑色的和暗红色的细小斑点;地表还有大片的森林,虽然中间夹杂着深灰色的地带和大片的沙漠;北方的大部分地方雪山也依然洁白,中间夹杂着一些星星点点的杂色;大陆的中间,飘荡着浅棕色的尘埃云。 经受了这么多污染,她依然很美,她的美让我怀疑我的旅途是出于一个谎言,我的星球远未到必然毁灭的地步。 在我还能观测到她的每一天,我都看到,并认识到这个事实,她确实在快速奔向破灭。当我意识到这一点时,我不再看她了。

What is life? 生命是什么

I've always thought that life is an eternal epic, but it's not. From the perspective of the universe, life is just a long chemical reaction, and the Earth is the furnace of it. It took millions of years. When human was born, the reaction reached its climax, and then it was over. Life goes by like a firework of the universe.

Life is beautiful; its beauty lies in order and in harmony with its surroundings. Our scientists have already observed that when the environment in which organisms live changes, the shape of the next generation changes as well, as if they take cues from the environment.

So they realized that life doesn't just exist in organisms, it exists outside of organisms. Life pervades the environment we live in, connecting us like invisible threads.

But we were like children who have begun to rebel before they are born, constantly trying to break the umbilical cord that connects us to nature.

Industrialization and the explosion of technology have made us arrogant. We have all the power, we own the world, we are above all other creatures.

When I was born, it is when human arrogance reached its climax.

When I was growing up, I saw people panic, anger, self-doubt, despair. The world that we believed we could conquer, gradually slipped out of our control.





Fish 鱼

I was born in a small city on the coast. My father was a fisherman.

He told me that fish should be sent away as soon as possible, because if they lay in the tank for too long, their shape would change -- their bodies would take on a curved shape and they could only swim in circles, and even if they were taken out and put back in the water, they would never swim in a straight line.

"Before, it would have been fine for a month, but now, after a week, the bone is bent."

I tiptoed into the tank full of seawater. The fish's body curved exactly as the outside of the tank. Their eyes on the outside were completely atrophied, and their eyes on the inside were bulged out, staring at their fellow prisoners. All the fish swim in the same direction, and when they swim, they are like a whirlpool. At that time, I feel that the fish and the tank together may be a complete life, the swimming fish is its breath.

Not long after that, I rarely saw any fish in the tank. Once the fish were caught, they were frozen. Otherwise, my father told me, the fish would have changed into their containers almost in a day. It was when I was ten years old, and the Big Mix was just beginning.







Mutation 变异

We know that organisms evolve as the environment they live in changes. But we never thought that one day this would happen so quickly. The lizards that dived into the water developed gills after a day, and the grasshoppers that buried into the soil developed forelimbs for drilling in an hour. Squirrels dropped from high altitudes learn to glide before they reach the ground.

Such variations tend to be concentrated in such a small area that it is believed that a force not yet observed is responsible for them.

When plastic was created, we knew it would change the world. It's light, strong, non-toxic, and cheap for next to nothing. It is so ubiquitous that it has become the basic building block of human society.

Twenty years ago, a fish was fished out of the sea. Its eyes were two bottle caps, and its body was covered with a layer of clear plastic.

It was caught by my father, and he went on TV for it.

This is the first time humans have seen a mixture of living and non-living structures. But soon, the mutation appeared all over the world.







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